March 14, 2022
Resources for supporting students’ mental health
As the world news unfolds, you might be wondering how you can come alongside your students to better support them in navigating their stress and anxiety. We’d like to share a few resources that you may find useful as you work toward improving overall student mental health at your school.
We’ve curated two collections: the first is focused on students ages 6 – 12, and the second is focused on students ages 12 – 18. These resources can be used as guides for teachers, counsellors, or administrators. If you’re interested in learning more about these collections or would like to place an order, just send us an email.

Anxiety Management Collection: Ages 6 – 12
Collection price: GBP 86, no VAT. Shipping GPB 12 / collection. For orders of 3 or more collections, shipping is free.
Helping Children to Manage Stress, Creative Ways to Help Children Manage Anxiety, The Monster Book of Feelings, A Therapeutic Treasure Deck of Grounding, Soothing, Coping, and Regulating Cards
- “Helping Children” allows space to explore stress and help children identify some of their worries, whilst also providing help on how to build skills and strategies that will help them recognise normal signs of stress and how to respond to these appropriately. It also explores the potential benefits and enjoyments of positive stress, allowing children to have a healthy relationship with difficult feelings.
- “Creative Ways” explains how to work with anxious children, providing a framework for assessment and therapy that draws on CBT, ACT and narrative therapy approaches. Lots of practical tips for therapists are included and important developmental considerations are discussed, including adapting therapy for children with developmental difficulties, and working with families and schools. Over 50 playful therapeutic activities are included, which have been developed through the authors’ extensive work with children, giving children an arsenal of coping strategies.
- “The Monster Book of Feelings” is designed to help children to understand and articulate the emotions they might experience – feelings of anxiety and worry, pride, joy and excitement, sadness, anger and jealousy – and provides simple strategies for managing their mental health. Full of monster-themed stories, activities and downloadable worksheets, it is ideal to use individually or in group settings with ages 6-9. Children will meet characters like Thomas, the big purple monster who has a heavy backpack full of his worries, and Geronimo, who inconveniently creates small floods with his tears all around Icicle Island. The second part of the book is a detailed guide for adults with explanations of key concepts, support for delivering the activities, suggested discussion points and drama activities to consolidate learning.
- “Treasure Deck” is a collection of coping, regulating, grounding, and soothing activities and techniques for working with children (aged 6+), teens and adults. This pack of 70 cards and explanatory guide offers a playful, non-threatening way to explore feelings, and to form effective coping, regulating, soothing, and grounding strategies through a range of games and activities. Designed to work with both the brain and body, the cards address a wide range of common issues including anxiety, stress, low mood, sleep difficulties and emotional dysregulation. To do so, they employ a range of proven strategies including cognitive techniques, nurturing activities, sensory strategies, body-based activity and creative exercises.

Anxiety Management Collection: Ages 12 – 18
Collection price: GBP 65, no VAT. Shipping GPB 12 / collection. For orders of 3 or more collections, shipping is free.
10 Minutes to Better Mental Health, The Anxiety Survival Guide, Superhero Therapy for Anxiety and Trauma, 18 Wellbeing Hacks for Students
- “10 minutes” features 10-minute steps and quick exercises to help you better understand your experiences and learn how to survive setbacks. The book covers everything from dealing with worry and anxiety and building your confidence, to creating healthy life habits and positive relationships. It includes sections to read, questions to reflect on, video clips to watch and things to try out in your everyday life. Using evidence-based approaches like CBT and mindfulness, it will help you to get the best out of life and become the person you want to be.
- “The Anxiety Survival Guide” begins with what is difficult and challenging about young adulthood and how you can deal with uncertainty in life. It goes on to examine change and challenges, giving tips about what can help in specific scenarios such as exams, relationships, leaving home and interviews. The guide also includes strategies and techniques for coping with panic attacks; self-care; and calming your mind. The guide uses a range of evidence-based approaches, including CBT, DBT, Compassion Focused Approaches and Mindfulness so you can work out the techniques that are best for you. The signposting included throughout guides young adults towards further support. This is essential reading for any young person experiencing anxiety, worry or going through a difficult transition or stressful experience.
- Drawing on ACT and CBT, “Superhero Therapy” incorporates popular culture into evidence-based therapy, offering a unique approach for mental health professionals to better support clients dealing with anxiety and trauma. With fun and engaging activities and downloadable worksheets, it aims to alleviate the shame and stigma surrounding mental health, empowering clients to discover their origin story and reframe their experiences to become real life superheroes. Covering topics such as building resilience, identifying and overcoming key challenges, and mindfulness, this book introduces familiar superheroes as characters to identify with, aiming to validate clients’ experiences and encourage deeper understanding and reflection during sessions. It provides a range of activities and worksheets to use in a variety of settings with children, teens, and adults.
- “18 Wellbeing Hacks” scours every corner of psychology – from neuroscience to psychodynamics – to uncover the unexpected secrets of hacking your wellbeing. Based on the latest research, each chapter takes you on a journey of surprises, guiding you through an abundance of deceptively simple ideas which will help you to see your world in a new light and improve your wellbeing. Organised into three sections – ‘Notice’, ‘Energise’ and ‘Connect’ – each hack addresses issues that affect us all, including our sleep, relationships, stress, identity, and our dependence on smartphones. Intertwining the latest insights in psychology with practical and easy-to-use advice, this book offers new ways to empower yourself and tackle the challenges of growing up and studying in the 21st century.
If you’re interested in learning more about any of these resources or placing an order, send us an email.
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