January 8, 2025
Hodder Education has become Hachette Learning
Why have they rebranded from Hodder Education to Hachette Learning?
Hodder Education has been a trusted leader in educational solutions since 1868, and they’re growing fast. To support this growth, and meet the diverse needs of their customers, they’ve aligned more closely to their parent company, Hachette Livre. As Hachette Learning, they’re in a better position to deliver high-quality learning solutions on a global scale. Making it easier for everyone to unlock a new world of learning.
When will the rebrand take full effect?
From January 2025, the Hachette Learning logo will appear on new publishing and products. However, for a period of time, you may also see John Catt and Hodder Education logos on some covers as they transition to the new branding.
Have their products or services changed as part of the rebrand?
While their name has changed, it’s business as usual for their customers. The way you use their products and services remains the same, and they’ll continue to deliver the same high-quality solutions and collaborative learning experiences you’d expect from Hodder Education.
Are the current titles or series still available under the new brand?
Yes, all current titles and series remain available under the new brand. While their name has changed to Hachette Learning, the quality and availability of our resources remains the same.
Are older titles branded Hodder Education still valid?
Yes, these titles are still valid and will remain in print during their transition to Hachette Learning. There may be some overlap where older brands and imprints, such as Hodder Education, are still in circulation. Rest assured, if a title is available under the Hodder Education brand, it remains valid until a new specification requires a new edition. At that point, the updated edition will be published under the Hachette Learning name.
Remember you can contact the Witra Team to order any Hachette Learning resources.