Hachette Learning Cambridge IGCSE™ Physics 4th edition

32 £

Written by renowned expert authors, our updated resources enable the learner to effectively navigate through the content of the updated Cambridge IGCSE™ Physics (0625/0972) syllabus for examination from 2023.

– Develop strong practical skills: practical skills features provide guidance on key experiments, interpreting experimental data, and evaluating results; supported by practical questions for practical examinations or alternatives.

– Build mathematical skills: worked examples demonstrate the key mathematical skills in scientific contexts; supported by follow-up questions to put these skills into practice.

– Consolidate skills and check understanding:self-assessment questions covering core and supplement exam-style questions and checklists embedded throughout the book, alongside key definitions of technical terms and a glossary.

– Navigate the syllabus confidently: core and supplement subject content flagged clearly with introductions to each topic outlining the learning objectives and context.

– Deepen and enhance scientific knowledge: going further boxes throughout encourage students to take learning to the next level.

Publishing date: Macrh 2021

Please note that all titles in this series are available by contacting us at [email protected]

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