Hachette Learning Cambridge Primary English Teacher’s Guide 1 with Boost Subscription

152 £

This title has been endorsed by Cambridge Assessment International Education

The Cambridge Primary English Teacher’s Guides include a print handbook and   a subscription to Boost, where you will find a range of online resources to   support your teaching.

Created with teachers and learners in schools across the globe, Boost is   the next generation in digital learning for schools and colleges, bringing   quality content and new technology together in one interactive website.

– Confidently deliver the new curriculum framework: guidance on introducing   new content, assessment ideas to check learner’s understanding and ideas for   supporting and extending learners working at different levels.
– Develop key concepts and skills: Let learners see how their skills are   developing with a range of activities, assessment ideas, success measures and   quizzes for stages 5 and 6.
– Enrich learning: Character artwork taken from the Learner’s Books to be   used front of class, audio recordings of the extracts in the Learner’s Books   and Flashcards with pictures and words based on the vocabulary covered.

Publishing date: March 2021

SKU: 9781398300538 Categories: , ,