Hachette Learning Mathematics for the IB Diploma: Applications and interpretation SL
55 £
Enable students to construct mathematical models by exploring challenging problems and the use of technology.
– Engage and excite students with examples and photos of maths in the real world, plus inquisitive starter activities to encourage their problem-solving skills.
– Build mathematical thinking with our ‘Toolkit’ and mathematical exploration chapter, along with our new toolkit feature of questions, investigations and activities.
– Develop understanding with key concepts and applications integrated throughout, along with TOK links for every topic.
– Prepare your students for assessment with worked examples, extended essay support and colour-coded questions to highlight the level of difficulty and the different types of questions.
– Check understanding with review exercise midway and at the end of the textbook.
Publishing date: September 2019
Please note that all titles in this series are available by contacting us at [email protected]