February 9, 2022

Live homework help through World Book Online

One more reason for your school to subscribe to World Book Online: live homework help for students. World Book has partnered with an experienced tutoring company to offer individual, on-demand academic support through the Student platform. Students can get help with their homework assignments, prepare for a test, and receive individualised attention from a tutor.

Students can log in to World Book Online at home, select their grade and the subject they need help with, and then they’ll be connected with a virtual tutor in a digital classroom. The tutor and student can use the whiteboard function to talk back and forth to each other, and students can even upload files or assignments so that their tutor can literally be on the same page.

Click here for an informative PDF with more details about the live homework help feature.

If you have any questions about live homework help through World Book Online, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We’d be happy to answer your questions via email or we can set up a phone meeting to discuss your questions and which subscription options might be right for you.

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