September 22, 2023
IB Diploma Chemistry
Get set for exam success with comprehensive coverage of the science syllabuses, to support and engage all your students in their learning. Take your students on a successful learning journey with formative assessment, exam-style questions and specimen papers, as well as assessment guidance and model answers from the teacher’s resource. This accessible series is developed in collaboration with IB teachers on the Cambridge Panel and accompanied by extensive teacher support, helping you get straight into the classroom.
Cambridge’s expert author team includes examiners, teachers, and teacher trainers. Students are supported every step of the way with clear learning objectives, end-of-chapter checklists and reflection opportunities, while ‘Test your understanding’ diagnostic questions identify gaps in understanding. The series also develops students’ thinking skills and life skills. ‘Nature of science’ features and TOK questions and links within the course stimulate critical thinking, while discussion questions build life skills and encourage deeper understanding.
Witra offers publishers’ prices as well as free shipping from the UK.
Get in touch for more information and orders.

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